Marina Keegan (1989-2012) was an award-winning author, journalist, playwright, poet, actress, and activist. The Opposite of Loneliness review – Marina Keegan's life cut short. However, her final published work, an essay for the Yale Daily News entitled “The Opposite of Loneliness” radiates life. Marina’s take on youth, the unknown, and community is raw and enlightening. “ The Opposite of Loneliness” by Marina Keegan is the latter. She is remembered … Loneliness … Keegan's posthumous collection of essays and stories shows a prodigious talent already in full bloom. Her nonfiction has been published in The New York Times; her fiction has been published on, and read on NPR’s Selected Shorts; her musical, Independents, was a New York Times Critics’ Pick. The Opposite of Loneliness is an assemblage of Marina's essays and stories, which, like The Last Lecture, articulate the universal struggle that all of us face as we figure out what we aspire to be, and … Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash “The Opposite of Loneliness… “We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life.” This is the beginning sentence from The Opposite of Loneliness, a collected work by Marina Keegan, … The Opposite of Loneliness is an assem­blage of Marina’s essays and stories that, like The Last Lecture, articulates the universal struggle that all of us face as we figure out what we aspire to be and how we … Unfortunately, loneliness itself is becoming increasingly normal. Five days after graduating from … Part of what makes Keegan’s book so intriguing is the story of Keegan herself. Themes from the short stories can vary from family to love for … the story of Keegan. Loneliness is Becoming Normal. As other readers (and the intro by Anne Faidman) have said, Keegan does a great job of capturing being young and in college. Sadly, Keegan didn’t experience the opposite of loneliness in the real world as she died in a car accident just weeks before graduation. When I read her essay "The Opposite of Loneliness," where she discusses how Yale has given her that feeling, it greatly resonated with me, making me think of the times and places when I have felt the opposite of loneliness. The Opposite of Loneliness is a collection of her short stories and personal essays, all of which were chosen by Anne Fadiman (her college professor and friend) after Marina's death. the opposite of loneliness The title essay of Marina’s book was her final message to her college classmates, distributed in a special edition of the Yale Daily News at the 2012 Commencement … The Opposite of Loneliness combines personal feelings and observations from the author written in form of essays and fictional short stories.